Knotty? How to Prevent a Matted Coat & How it Happens

No matter how well you take care of your furry baby the inevitable might happen: matted hair.
The reality? Some breeds are just more prone to matts than others such as the Maltese, Bichon Frise, Coton de Tulear and the Poodle, to name but a few. This applies to our very own tribe, Sadie, Jasper and Daisy, hence we are major advocates of Groomer And George conditioner which make our lives easier in keeping the knots and matts at bay!
The good news: there are some keys to preventing matts.
Living in a damp climate and being parent to Jasper, my Maltese, I have experienced once in my lifetime the horror of having to shave him due to matts. This was a learning opportunity to never have it happen again in between grooming appointments.
Sadie, one of Sloan's dogs, who is part Maltese, part Yorkshire Terrier, plays hard rain or shine and the result: some pretty knotty, sometimes matted hair. The combination of her fluffy cotton-fine Maltese hair mixed with her course wire-y Terrier hair mixed with some rain makes for the perfect storm of matts when her hair is longer, even when being combed, brushed, etc.
Here are a few takeaways and tips to prevent matting on your medium to longer haired dog's coat:
- Invest in a rolled leather harness. This prevents rubbing under the arm pits which is a common area for matting. Many harnesses that are cloth cause friction and will create a knot.
- Opt for a raincoat on your dog to prevent them from getting their coat soaked - rain being a major cause of matting.
- Invest in a slicker brush. These brushes are great for removing matts easily!
- Brush the knots before bathing! Shampooing knots will make the knots worse.
- Last but not least, follow up your shampoo cleanse with a conditioner from Groomer and George. This will give extra hydration to your dog’s coat and finish by blow drying on a cool setting. Air dry works perfectly great for some breeds too.
Try our I’m Knotty Lavender Conditioner or Pet Me I’m Soft Unscented Conditioner to help prevent further tangling and let us know what you think! We love hearing from you and connecting with you.
x, Candice - cofounder Groomer And George
Photo Source: Bethenny Frankel with her fur family Biggie & Smallz. To support the crisis in Ukraine head to bstrong x Global Empowerment Mission to donate.